The 18-year old company added tremendously to its client and partner base, opened new offices, doubled its team strength and introduced exciting new features and service lines Mindmatrix Inc., the Pittsburgh-based, leading PRM, Sales & Channel Enablement company announced that it grew over a 100% in the year 2016. Mindmatrix’s growth spurt last year was … Continue reading PRM, Sales & Channel Enablement Leader, Mindmatrix looks forward to an exciting new year marked by a growth of over a 100% in 2016
Email marketing campaigns are not the same as mass mailing through snail mail. When you send out 10,000 postcards, traditional marketing numbers suggest you’ll be lucky to get a 3% response rate. And even then, you just have to sit there and wait for them to call you. You have no idea who tossed the … Continue reading Email campaigns that work
Last week we spoke about how MSP’s investment in sales and marketing automation tools often fail because they lack the time and expertise to utilize the tools to their full capacity. This week, we talk about how MSPs can overcome that hurdle by selecting the right marketing automation vendor. The right marketing automation vendor is … Continue reading Things to ask your marketing automation-sales enablement vendor TODAY
You might have heard a lot about how marketing automation tools can help you grow your business, but did you know that there’s a good chance they may not work? Most MSPs invest in sales and marketing automation tools expecting immediate results. After all, more leads and faster customer sign ups were promised, right? Then, … Continue reading This is what they don’t tell you when selling marketing automation
If you are pitching to Accounting Firms, then spare a minute to read this post. It talks about the top IT challenges faced by accounting firms. Be sure to address these specific pain-points when talking to prospects from accounting firms… Speed, transparency, communication and collaboration With multiple offices and multiple teams, your prospects struggle to … Continue reading Here’s What To Talk About When Pitching To Accounting Firms
5 Easy Steps for Creating Contact Lists: Marketing Automation So you purchased a Marketing Automation Software platform. Now how do you plan on getting your existing contact database imported into the new software system? Gathering contact lists can be one of the most difficult tasks a marketing person must complete but without importing contacts, the … Continue reading 5 Easy Steps for Creating Contact Lists: Marketing Automation
Don’t forget your website isn’t just an information dump about your services. Your website also serves as a tool to generate leads. Here are 3 quick ways to attract leads, get contact information, and get return visits. Prospects looking around for services like yours are looking to learn more about hi-tech topics and managed services. … Continue reading Websites and Lead Generation: Don’t Forget the Basics
Businesses are seeing a paradigm shift in their approach to sales, with most becoming customer-centric. It makes sense as well—especially because it is customers who drive revenue. This scenario can be imported into the MSP business model as well. When you are a local business owner with little money to devote to marketing, doesn’t it … Continue reading 5 WAYS TO BUILDING BETTER CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS
Social media marketing refers to building awareness of your firm using sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and your company blog. Social media marketing has specific goals that may differ from the goal of a website or a brochure. Websites function as your digital storefront and are where people go to browse your products and … Continue reading Why MSPs need social media marketing
The PRM software empowers vendors to engage in powerful social media and email marketing campaigns on behalf of their channel partners Mindmatrix PRM software now allows corporate marketing teams to engage in marketing and sales campaigns for their channel partners through its ‘on-behalf marketing’ feature. The ‘on-behalf’ module of Mindmatrix channel marketing software allows corporate … Continue reading Mindmatrix’s ‘on-behalf marketing’ feature works to further strengthen partner relationships