Tag Archives: msp marketing

Here’s how to win over the existing IT team when pitching your co-managed IT services to a client

Last month we discussed how to pitch your IT services successfully to prospects that already have an IT team in-house. If you missed reading that blog, you can check it out here. This week we discuss how you can overcome the resistance you may face from the in-house IT personnel themselves. It is important to … Continue reading Here’s how to win over the existing IT team when pitching your co-managed IT services to a client

Pitching your IT services to a prospect with an in-house IT team

An objection that a lot of our MSP clients face when pitching to their prospects is that they (Prospects) already have an in-house IT team. If you have also come across this objection as an MSP, then this post is a must-read for you. In this post, we discuss four solid arguments that you can … Continue reading Pitching your IT services to a prospect with an in-house IT team

Educating your clients about the loose ends of cybersecurity

One of the most effective MSP marketing methods is educating your clients about the value you bring to their business. You can start by first discussing the risks and challenges they face and how you can help mitigate them. This approach helps you strike a chord with your prospects really early in the sales cycle. … Continue reading Educating your clients about the loose ends of cybersecurity

Patient portals: An opportunity to drive your value proposition home

The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many doctor’s clinics making the transition to online consultations. This has resulted in an increase in demand for MSP/IT service providers who can help doctor’s offices make the shift to online operations smoothly. If you are looking to pitch your services to doctor’s offices at this time, you shouldn’t … Continue reading Patient portals: An opportunity to drive your value proposition home

Stay on top of your prospect’s minds even during these difficult times

During these difficult times, out of sight can really be out of mind. So, make it a point to stay in touch with your leads consistently, even if they are not ready to sign up right away. This strategy works to keep your brand on top of their minds and chances are, when the Covid … Continue reading Stay on top of your prospect’s minds even during these difficult times

360-degree lead view, lead tracking tools and your website, what’s the link?

If you want to close leads, you need to be able to really speak to them, and by that, I mean your marketing and messaging should resonate with them and be truly relevant to them. One way to make that happen is by studying lead behavior. Yes…it sounds like a very scientific, methodical process that … Continue reading 360-degree lead view, lead tracking tools and your website, what’s the link?