MOBILE FRIENDLY: Google Has Spoken

Well, the word is out from Google. As of this past April, the dominant search engine will take into account the mobile friendly nature of websites. While this has been factored into their algorithms in the past, the extent to which it mattered has not been known. Beginning April 21, 2015, Google will be considering … Continue reading MOBILE FRIENDLY: Google Has Spoken

Sales Enablement and Automation: Picking the Right Software to market your services

Every organization faces specific challenges at various stages of the sales cycle – from lead generation to closing new business. Sales enablement and automation is what can set a provider of manager services apart from the competition. Getting Started We can start with some background by looking first at the sales funnel model. It can … Continue reading Sales Enablement and Automation: Picking the Right Software to market your services

How to Turn Your Real Life Network Into an Online Lead Generator

Now that the internet and social media have become so prevalent, it’s hard to remember when we used the words “social network” to describe our real life friends, family, and business contacts, but of course this is still an extremely effective way to conduct business. The question a lot of businesses have today is how … Continue reading How to Turn Your Real Life Network Into an Online Lead Generator

Understanding how to sell to another business-Part 1

 B2C (Business–to-Consumer sales) and B2B (Business-to-Business sales) have been long seen as separate markets that require distinctly different marketing strategies. Business purchasers are driven by different motivators than consumers. They also have more distinct expectations about the entire sales process. As an MSP, you are selling B2B and you’re prospects are going to respond better … Continue reading Understanding how to sell to another business-Part 1