Tag Archives: MSP Sales and Marketing

MSPs! Automation Alone Can’t Help You Succeed

With the empowered buyer calling the shots today, MSP  sales and marketing have changed big time. It is no longer about selling…it is all about adding real value to customers by building a good relationship with them, becoming their trusted advisor and ally and helping them make a sound purchase decision. This calls for a … Continue reading MSPs! Automation Alone Can’t Help You Succeed

4 Ways to Tell if You Are Really “Sales Enabled”

You may be surprised to know that despite investing in marketing and sales automation tools, more than 50% of MSPs fail to meet their sales targets! Unfortunately, this creates the general sentiment that sales enablement doesn’t work. “It just complicated things and never really worked out,” they decide. The problem here is that MSPs just don’t … Continue reading 4 Ways to Tell if You Are Really “Sales Enabled”

6 Ways To Improve The Look And Feel Of Your Website To Convert Leads

Contributed by – Laura Estes Your website is the equivalent of your physical office in the virtual world. Imagine a prospect walked into your office. Would you just at your desk passively and let them walk away? No, right? The same applies to your website. When a prospect visits your website, the goal is to get … Continue reading 6 Ways To Improve The Look And Feel Of Your Website To Convert Leads

How to strategically plan a marketing campaign for events: Part-IV

The best way to leverage existing and new relationships from your events is to stay in touch. You should develop tailored messaging for every scenario a contact may fall into. If they were able to attend – great! – Make sure your email follow up includes a thank you as well as valuable takeaway information. … Continue reading How to strategically plan a marketing campaign for events: Part-IV

How to strategically plan a marketing campaign for events: Part-I

This post takes a look at one of the most powerful tools companies like yours have for generating new business – hosting an event. Whether it is a webinar of your own, an in person event at the office, or a fun outing, hosting an event gives you the chance to present your value proposition … Continue reading How to strategically plan a marketing campaign for events: Part-I

Judging the success of your MSP marketing efforts

Sales and Marketing Working Together Nailing down the overall success of a MSP marketing campaign is something rather elusive, because success can be defined in several different ways in the marketing world. Very often there is a mix of both marketing and sales processes that spur the conversion of a lead into a customer (it’s … Continue reading Judging the success of your MSP marketing efforts

The Secret Sauce to MSP Success: Marketing & Sales Alignment

Sales and marketing alignment is one topic that commonly comes up in any discussion related to improving MSP marketing and sales effectiveness. A study by MathMarketing concluded that the businesses with the greatest degree of sales and marketing alignment grow faster, close 38% more deals and lose 36% fewer customers than their non-aligned counterparts. For … Continue reading The Secret Sauce to MSP Success: Marketing & Sales Alignment

The importance of quality contacts

Contributed by- Megan Cramer Why you should NOT purchase an email list! It’s tempting to think that in order to reach out to a large number of prospects with the least amount of effort, you can simply buy an email list. This is a terrible idea. The contacts on the list had to have opted into … Continue reading The importance of quality contacts

Best practices for utilizing your contact activity reporting for sales follow up

Contributed by – Nicole Goodwin Who is this article useful for? This article is helpful for any MSP tracking their contact activity and how the reports can assist in sales follow up. Where can I see my contact activity report? To see the activity of a specific contact you can go to Connections then select … Continue reading Best practices for utilizing your contact activity reporting for sales follow up

Importance of lead scoring in MSP Marketing

Who is this article useful for? This article is helpful for any MSP tracking their content. What is lead scoring? Assigning a score to a contact based on interactions with your sales and marketing materials. In simple terms for every click, open, or download they receive points. As they gain points it shows you that … Continue reading Importance of lead scoring in MSP Marketing