Importance of lead scoring in MSP Marketing

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This article is helpful for any MSP tracking their content.

What is lead scoring? Assigning a score to a contact based on interactions with your sales and marketing materials. In simple terms for every click, open, or download they receive points. As they gain points it shows you that this contact may be interested enough to have a sales discussion. At the very least they are showing interest in your materials.

Importance of lead scoring in MSP Marketing
Importance of lead scoring in MSP Marketing

In your account, there is already a preset model that we have seen work best for our clients.

Why have a model? Tracking your contact’s activity sets you apart in the MSP sales and marketing game. If you are unaware of what people are clicking, liking, or downloading then you are simply reaching in the dark for your MSP sales. Being able to know what materials perform best allows you to reflect and continue to put out that type of content.

In addition to tracking your contact’s activity – scoring their activity allows you to spend time only on the contacts that have shown enough interest that it is worth your time. Just because your contact opened one email does not mean they are ready to discuss a purchase. If they have opened a few emails, downloaded an E-guide, and visited your website they are familiar enough with your brand that a simple educational call would be good. Being able to see a contact rise on the scoring chart demonstrates to you that they are gaining interest in your materials.

How to use it? When a contact becomes Hot or High interest, you can reach out to them. Loading them in the MSP Sales Prospect Follow-up Playbook as soon as possible is your first step. CallHippo identified a 450% difference in response time for leads receiving a follow-up call within an hour of their interaction. The timeliness of your outreach makes all the difference.

From there, work through the playbook reaching out to the contact based off of the interactions you have with them. For instance, if they are still unsure and need more time, let them work through the drips and try reaching out to them in a few weeks. Offer any educational content you have to help them learn more about your offering.

If a contact has not yet reached the Hot or High interest range it is still helpful to keep an eye on where your contacts are in the scoring model. If you know that someone has moved from a Low interest lead to a Medium interest lead you to know that they have continued to interact with your content.

Lead scoring is an important factor in your marketing and sales process. It enables you to understand the best time to reach out to a lead. It also helps you use your time wisely – if you are reaching out to contacts that have shown high interest you will be using your call time on better educated leads. Having a scoring model can save you time and ultimately money.

This was a Guest Blog by Nicole Goodwin, Marketing & Sales Enablement Consultant at Mindmatrix. You can check out her LinkedIn Profile for more such articles.