Tag Archives: MSP advantage program

MSP Marketing Success needs more than just an MSP Marketing Software

Managed Service Providers need more than just a marketing automation platform to truly succeed! As an MSP you are too busy working in your business, handling your client’s IT requirements to work on your business. Most MSPs just don’t have the time for complicated marketing automation tools! Even if they do invest in MSP marketing automation … Continue reading MSP Marketing Success needs more than just an MSP Marketing Software

Do you know your buyer persona?

In order to be able to market and sell your MSP services successfully, you need to know your buyer persona. Identifying buyer persona involves drawing up a profile of your buyers based on multiple factors such as your current client data, the market you operate in, the services you offer, etc. You may have more … Continue reading Do you know your buyer persona?

Creating effective MSP email marketing campaigns

Emails are one of the most popular marketing tools today. But, there’s a downside. They are so popular that your email marketing campaign has to be really interesting to catch your prospect’s attention. In our blog this week, we share a video that discusses how you can leverage MSP marketing automation platforms to engage in … Continue reading Creating effective MSP email marketing campaigns

Hit the ground running in 2021 with these MSP marketing tools

The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the worst disasters to strike humankind in a long time. But, with vaccines in the picture, it seems like there’s light now at the end of the tunnel. While the virus and its impact won’t suddenly disappear at midnight on January 1st, 2021, things are certainly expected to … Continue reading Hit the ground running in 2021 with these MSP marketing tools

Best practices for client retention that MSPs should follow

In general, experts agree that retaining existing clients is as important as adding new ones. This is especially true in the current situation. Our blog this week discusses some client retention strategies that you can follow for optimal results.  Provide good service This is the most obvious and most important rule of client retention. If … Continue reading Best practices for client retention that MSPs should follow

Here’s how to win over the existing IT team when pitching your co-managed IT services to a client

Last month we discussed how to pitch your IT services successfully to prospects that already have an IT team in-house. If you missed reading that blog, you can check it out here. This week we discuss how you can overcome the resistance you may face from the in-house IT personnel themselves. It is important to … Continue reading Here’s how to win over the existing IT team when pitching your co-managed IT services to a client

Whitepaper: An MSP’s Guide to Selling Cybersecurity in a post-pandemic world

The recent rise in the WFH business model is making cybersecurity indispensable. This is the right time for you to convey the true value you bring to your clients with your cybersecurity services. In this whitepaper, we discuss a few things you should absolutely talk about to your prospects when pitching your cybersecurity services.