Tag Archives: msp advantage automation tools

A 360⁰ Customer view–A must-have for the modern MSP

Most MSPs and IT service providers today know that to truly make an impact, they need to match steps or even be a step ahead of their prospects. In this scenario, a tool that provides 360-degree view of your prospect/customer becomes priceless. This blog outlines how you, as a MSP-IT service provider, can benefit from having … Continue reading A 360⁰ Customer view–A must-have for the modern MSP

Email campaigns that work

Email marketing campaigns are not the same as mass mailing through snail mail. When you send out 10,000 postcards, traditional marketing numbers suggest you’ll be lucky to get a 3% response rate. And even then, you just have to sit there and wait for them to call you. You have no idea who tossed the … Continue reading Email campaigns that work

This is what they don’t tell you when selling marketing automation

You might have heard a lot about how marketing automation tools can help you grow your business, but did you know that there’s a good chance they may not work? Most MSPs invest in sales and marketing automation tools expecting immediate results. After all, more leads and faster customer sign ups were promised, right? Then, … Continue reading This is what they don’t tell you when selling marketing automation