A 360⁰ Customer view–A must-have for the modern MSP

Most MSPs and IT service providers today know that to truly make an impact, they need to match steps or even be a step ahead of their prospects. In this scenario, a tool that provides 360-degree view of your prospect/customer becomes priceless. This blog outlines how you, as a MSP-IT service provider, can benefit from having a 360-degree view of your prospects .

Improved sales revenue and closure rates
A 360-degree prospect view lets you engage in targeted sales and marketing campaigns that yield better results than traditional unfocused sales efforts targeted at prospects in general. Just as the interest level varies from prospect to prospect, the sales strategy should also vary. For example, one prospect may be close to the buying stage while another may still be hunting for information. A 360-degree prospect view helps you ensure your communication with the prospects varies depending upon their preferences and their level of interest.

Improved brand image
A 360-degree prospect view can help you with your brand building, because it allows you to follow the customer’s digital footprint online and offer them value-added solutions. This sends out the message that you care to understand the prospect and their needs and provide the right solution accordingly.

Better relationship
A 360-degree prospect view helps you learn more about your prospects, thus improving your relationship with your prospects. The more you come to know about them, the more your offerings can be individualized. This enhances the value of the business relationship you develop with your prospects.

Decision making support
With a very clear view of the customer and their choices, a 360-degree prospect view offers great decision-making support. Suppose you want to increase your sales by 20%. A 360-degree view will help you identify the services/products that are most popular among your leads and customers. Using these analytics, you can decide what services/products to focus on to reach your goal quickly.

Cross selling and up-selling
Use data regarding recent purchases to promote related products, features, upsells, and add-ons. Having an all-around, in-depth knowledge of the customer enables you to cross-sell and upsell your products and services to the existing customer.

A 360-degree prospect view lends a great degree of flexibility, scalability and personal touch to your marketing, sales and follow-up process helping you build a strong relationship with your prospects, which can go a long way when they are ready to make a buying decision.