Trade show Marketing tactics for MSPs

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Now, with some semblance of normalcy since the COVID-19 pandemic, markets are slowly opening up. The tradeshow season is also here along with the summer. For the next couple of weeks, our blog will cover a few tactics that you can deploy to make your participation in trade shows for managed service providers a success.

The first step is to split your tradeshow marketing process into 3 parts, namely the Pre-trade show, during the trade show, and post-trade show. In our blog this week, we discuss the pre-trade show marketing strategy.

Pre-trade show marketing

As the name suggests consists of marketing activities that you should undertake prior to the trade show. The goal of pre-tradeshow marketing activities is to ensure your prospects are aware of your participation in the tradeshow, so your brand gets maximum visibility there. Here are some effective pre-trade show marketing best practices that you can engage in.

Press releases

Press releases are a great way to announce your participation in trade shows. They offer you a wide audience and can really amplify your messaging. You can create press releases around 3 weeks prior to the trade show. You can further leverage your press release by sharing it on social media, your website’s ‘News’ section, and your blog.

Email blasts

Create email marketing campaigns around your trade show participation and share them with your contacts. Even if your contacts are not in the same city as where your tradeshow is happening, do send it to them, as such marketing emails do a great job at keeping your brand on top of the minds of your prospects. 

Social media posts

You should also create social media posts that tell your followers about your participation at the show. When doing this, make sure you tag the event organizers using at-mentions (@) and relevant hashtags (#). This will help amplify your message and widen your audience pool. 

Remember to include key information in ALL your trade show marketing pieces such as your brand name, the services/products you offer, the name of the trade show you are attending, address of the place where the show is happening, link to the event website, if any, link to your website, your contact information for prior appointment booking, etc. Also, start early. Your trade show marketing should ideally start 6 to 8 weeks before the date of the actual show in order to create some buzz and stand out in the minds of your audience. 

Turn your pre-trade show marketing efforts into a scalable, repeatable, successful process using our MSP marketing and sales playbooks that guide you through every step. We work with hundreds of MSPs, integrators, and VARs to make their marketing easy and effective by offering them all the tools, strategies, content, and marketing and sales support they need to pursue and close leads effectively. Please visit to learn more.