Trade show marketing tactics for MSPs: Part 2

tradeshows, tradeshow, MSP

Last week we discussed pre-trade show marketing strategies that you can deploy to attract your prospect’s attention towards your presence at the trade show. Key elements of the pre-trade show marketing strategy were press releases, email blasts, and social media posts. This week we discuss a few marketing tactics that you can deploy while at the trade show and later to make the most of it.

Social media

Social media is #1 when it comes to marketing your presence when the trade show is on. Click pictures, lots of them at the trade show, and share them on your social media platforms at regular intervals. Make sure you include interesting captions for each of them and use at-mentions and hashtags wherever possible. You can click pictures of your booth, if you are presenting at the event, then you can have someone click your picture and you can post it later. You can also visit other businesses’ booths (Non-competing) of course and post your pictures with them. Also, if you happen to have a nice conversation with a prospect/booth visitor at the trade show, ask if they will be willing to click a picture with you. The idea behind all of this is to expand your target audience. When you click pictures with others and tag them, the people who view your post go beyond your network to include those connected with the people you post pictures of.

Post-trade show email blast

Once you are back from the show, you could send an email campaign out to everyone announcing how great the trade show was! You could have two different types of messaging–one, thanking the people who visited your booth at the trade show, and another one sent to everyone else on your email database just summarizing your experience at the trade show. 


If you have monthly or quarterly newsletters, make sure you make a mention of your trade show attendance in them and also share relevant pictures. 

Post-trade show marketing is all about amplifying your brand presence in the market. These tactics serve to keep your brand on top of mind of the prospects, without aggressive marketing messages. Participating in trade shows actively sends the message that you are popular in the industry and also keep up with the current trends in your field, thus contributing to a positive brand image. 

Turn your tradeshow marketing efforts into a scalable, repeatable, successful process using our MSP marketing and sales playbooks that guide you through every step. We work with hundreds of MSPs, integrators, and VARs to make their marketing easy and effective by offering them all the tools, strategies, content, and marketing and sales support they need to pursue and close leads effectively. Please visit to learn more.