Three things to keep your leads away from the competition: Part 2

Last week, we spoke about how getting a 360-degree view of your prospects is very important for you. However, did you know that a 360-degree prospect view alone won’t help? Obviously you are too busy to keep watching your prospects all the time so here’s the second element to our post…activity notifications.

Activity notifications – You probably don’t like to admit it, but following up with leads isn’t your favorite pastime and it sometimes doesn’t get done in a timely fashion. There is a solution to this. Marketing and sales automation software takes the 360-degree view to the next step. You can get an alert on your phone or an email that will let you know in real time that someone has downloaded a price sheet, or checked an e-guide on a particular topic. Marketing and sales automation software can be that little nudge to take an action with a lead before the lead feels neglected and checks out the competition. Remember, thanks to ready internet access, people have come to expect immediate gratification and response. This software can alert you to take an action now, and not let leads wait for another day.

Next week, we wrap up the series as we unveil element #3. Stay tuned.