Tag Archives: MSP Sales and Marketing

How a 360-degree prospect view can turn things around for MSPs

Nothing can beat the advantages of truly understanding your prospects. Knowing your prospects helps you connect with them better and sell better in the process. Our video this week discusses the benefits of having an unobstructed, all-around view of your prospects an their activities during their buying journey.

Pitching managed services to the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry has a lot of complications when it comes to maintaining a secure IT network. If you are pitching to a client from the hospitality sector, there are some very specific challenges that they face, which you can discuss in order to strike a chord with them. Our video explores two such challenges … Continue reading Pitching managed services to the hospitality industry

Pitching your managed IT services to the CEO? Here are 3 things to talk about

Are you pitching your managed IT services to the CEO of an account? Pitching your managed IT services to a CEO is very different from pitching to someone with a technical background and persona. While you may be able to impress the CTO of a company by discussing tech and how you can support their … Continue reading Pitching your managed IT services to the CEO? Here are 3 things to talk about

What value can MSPs add to a client with remote staff

While the pandemic has faded away, the WFH model is still around, with a lot of organizations realizing that it works well for both–the company and its employees. Are you pitching to a client who allows employees to work remotely? Watch our video to learn a few points you should absolutely bring up when speaking with … Continue reading What value can MSPs add to a client with remote staff

Pitching Managed Services to the hospitality industry: Part Two

In our blog last week, we discussed how talking about very industry-specific IT vulnerabilities with your clients from the hospitality industry, will enable you to send the message across that you understand their sector and related IT risks very well. This week, we are back with more tips on the same topic.  Explain how employee … Continue reading Pitching Managed Services to the hospitality industry: Part Two

Pitching Managed Services to the hospitality industry: Part One

Are you pitching to a client from the hospitality industry? Then, here are a two industry-specific vulnerabilities to discuss when speaking with them.  Tell them about the risks of being a consumer-based business One of the most obvious vulnerabilities of the hospitality industry is that it is primarily consumer-based. It is all about individuals. This … Continue reading Pitching Managed Services to the hospitality industry: Part One

MSP Management tools: How they can help you?

Your marketing and sales assets are key to helping you get leads and even close them. A good market and sales asset repository is the backbone of your MSP marketing and sales process. This video discusses the role of MSP asset management systems in helping you build an effective MSP marketing and sales content library

Why every MSP should perform a content audit

Successful MSP marketing and sales heavily depends upon your ability to share content with your leads that is personalized, relevant, and up-to-date. For a busy MSP, continually updating and sharing content that works can be a daunting task. What can you do to get started with an organized MSP marketing content creation and dissemination method? Find out … Continue reading Why every MSP should perform a content audit

The Role of MSP Marketing & Sales Enablement programs in helping you grow your business

As an MSP, your hands are probably so full managing your client’s IT infrastructure that it can become difficult to focus on sales and marketing. MSP sales and marketing enablement tools can help you in this regard. Watch our latest video to learn more.