Pitching Managed Services to the hospitality industry: Part Two

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In our blog last week, we discussed how talking about very industry-specific IT vulnerabilities with your clients from the hospitality industry, will enable you to send the message across that you understand their sector and related IT risks very well. This week, we are back with more tips on the same topic. 

Explain how employee error is a threat to your clients

Because hospitality is a service industry, it relies heavily on employees and staff to function, and human error is one of the major causes of successful cyber attacks and malware attacks. These can be with sufficient training. Employees need to be trained to recognize phishing scams. 

Talk about the risks brought on by high turnover

Turnover rates in the service industries tend to be high. As a result, it can be hard to maintain the level of training needed to keep every employee up to speed, especially in the area of data security.  Data security training is also not customer facing, so it may fall in priority when new employees are brought in to fill gaps created by heavy turnover. 

As an MSP, you can help your client with their IT training needs. You can conduct training sessions and drills to educate their employees about the cybersecurity risks they are exposed to, and data protection and password hygiene best practices that they should be following. .

Regulatory concerns 

Beyond the California Consumer Privacy Act, there isn’t any regulation regarding data security in the US. However, there is the General Data Protection Act enacted by the European Union. While your client may not be physically located in the EU, the GDPR covers not the geographic location of an industry. It covers the individual. A citizen of the EU is covered wherever they may be. 

Explain to your prospective client, how you can help them adhere to the regulatory requirements mandated by these laws. Plus, There are a lot of challenges with the handling of credit cards, the storage of that PII, employee POS access and the need to meet PCI-DSS standards. This is an area where you can add real value to them as a Managed service provider trained in POS data security and PCI-DSS compliance.  

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