Lead Scoring for MSP/IT Service Providers

Do you wish to take your MSP/IT business one step beyond just generating quality leads? This post brings to you, a concept that will change the way you process your leads, for the better–a concept known as Lead Scoring.

WHAT is lead scoring?

Suppose you have two leads, A and B. Lead A visits your website frequently, inquires about your network monitoring service on a regular basis and is a part of the decision-making team. Lead B, is at the executive level and shows minimal interest in your website and emails. Now, if you had to choose between those two to focus your marketing efforts on, who would you select? If you thought of A, then you’ve grasped what Lead Scoring is all about. Lead scoring is the system of assigning points to prospects based on their level of interest in a service or product. These points are given based on certain attributes, behavior and response to a company’s marketing campaign.

WHY lead scoring?

Now that we’ve covered what lead scoring is all about, let’s discuss how a MSP/IT business can benefit from adopting an effective lead scoring mechanism.

  • Qualified Leads– Lead scoring helps you identify prospects that are sales-ready. You can then approach leads that have the highest probability of being converted to a customer.
  • Tailor marketing programs– In accordance with each lead’s score, you can prepare personalized marketing strategies that are more effective. Suppose Lead A scores higher on various parameters than Lead B, the marketing strategy you use to reach out to them will differ. For lead A, you will perhaps offer a discount on network monitoring service if they agree to sign up with you within a limited period. Lead B, on the other hand may require a different approach. Perhaps creating an awareness of malware, more frequent marketing messages, etc., may work with B. Thus, lead scoring allows you to tend to each lead individually.
  • Economical– Once you know how each lead needs to be handled, you can manage your resources better. You can invest your time and resources on leads most likely to convert and put others on the back-burner to be targeted in your marketing campaigns until they are ready to meet with you. This makes your sales and marketing processes highly efficient and effective.

Lead scoring does to your marketing what your IT services do for your clients; increases performance, solves a problem and builds efficacy.