Your website is your marketing representative on the internet. It is the extension of your business persona and it should be treated as such to maximize your business potential. In the past when a need emerged, a prospect might reach for the yellow pages. Now, she will reach for her computer to find answers to … Continue reading MSP Website: A Significant Marketing Tool
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The need to increase sales is an ongoing process. Rather than becoming complacent after meeting your goals for the current fiscal year, you need to keep on working to stay ahead of your competition. To accomplish your goals you need to add new customers to your customer base. You need to generate more leads. Technology … Continue reading LinkedIn: an Effective Lead Generation Tool for MSPs
Congratulations! You have hit that milestone called a ‘sale’. Now it is time to implement what the core of your services is: Information Technology. On the surface, it seems simple enough because this is what your education was all about. You’re the expert in managed IT services. A set of guidelines will come in handy … Continue reading Post-Sales Processes: The Final Act for MSPs
Overcoming a Common Challenge for MSPs: Connecting with Decision Makers Part I Connecting with a decision maker can be intimidating if you are not used to it. Decision makers are often busy executives with limited time. They often also will work hard to limit your access to them. To get them on the phone for … Continue reading MSPs: Connecting with Decision Makers Part I
Sales Tools for MSPs: Managing the Sales Process When you learn that you have a lead that has the potential to convert, you must be ready to execute your sales process. That means the entire strategy you need to close that sale should be in place before you begin. Sales tools for MSPs play an … Continue reading Sales Tools for MSPs: Managing the Sales Process
MSP Marketing and Sales: Why You Need Verticals Some MSPs choose to provide their services to specific markets, commonly referred to as a “vertical.” But what is a vertical? A vertical is fundamentally synonymous with the term “industry” or “field.” For example, healthcare is a vertical. The legal field is a vertical. Even though you have designed your services to serve … Continue reading MSP Marketing and Sales: Why You Need Verticals
If you’re a managed services provider, then you know driving new leads can be challenging. However, you need to find customers so you can sell your services. Those customers will come from your lead sources. But where are these sources and once you find them how do you utilize them for leads? Then how do … Continue reading MSP Marketing: Lead Sources for MSPs
Staying in Front of Potential Customers in the Sales Funnel Having overcome the challenge of generating inbound leads is only half the battle. Nurturing those leads into potential customers and staying in touch with them when they need answers is your next assignment. Now you ask yourself: how do we not lose these potential customers … Continue reading How an MSP Can Conquer the Sales Funnel
5 Easy Steps for Creating Contact Lists: Marketing Automation So you purchased a Marketing Automation Software platform. Now how do you plan on getting your existing contact database imported into the new software system? Gathering contact lists can be one of the most difficult tasks a marketing person must complete but without importing contacts, the … Continue reading 5 Easy Steps for Creating Contact Lists: Marketing Automation
Generating Sales Leads: a Challenge for MSPs As a managed services provider, you likely face the daunting task of generating leads for your business. In order to generate leads, MSP marketing tools should be a be a focus. Also, to succeed you have to build a reliable and solid client base. For that you need … Continue reading Generating Sales Leads: a Challenge for MSPs