Cybersecurity has always been a must-have for businesses, but more so since the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent rise in the WFH business model is making cybersecurity indispensable. This is the right time for you to convey the true value you bring to your clients with your cybersecurity services. In this video, we discuss a few … Continue reading An MSP’s Guide to selling Cybersecurity in a post-pandemic world
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Every MSP talks about the benefits they can bring to the table when a client signs up with them. Generally, these include lower IT costs, faster and top priority IT support, cutting down the high fixed costs of wages and benefits for in-house labor, and easily scalable IT support, etc. How do you differentiate yourself … Continue reading Add value to your clients by becoming their corporate cybersecurity trainer
Email marketing is one of the key elements in your MSP marketing strategy. There is no dearth of email marketing software programs in the market that help MSPs engage in email marketing campaigns promoting their business. However, powerful email marketing is much more than just software. An email marketing tool alone can’t help you engage … Continue reading Personalization: An important element in building a successful email marketing strategy for your MSP business
Businesses in the service industry are great prospects for your MSP business. However, to make an impact, you should be aware of the challenges faced by your target segments. You should be able to identify their pain points first, so you can make an impact by talking about how you can resolve their problems. In … Continue reading Pitching your MSP Business to Service Industry Prospects
To sell your MSP services successfully you need to understand the pain points of your prospects. In this blog, we address the key IT challenges faced by Accounting firms so that you can include them in your messaging and pitch your services more effectively. IT Challenges Faced by Accounting Firms System maintenance For accounting firms … Continue reading Are you pitching your MSP services to accounting firms? Here are some tips to help you do it better.
A lot of businesses place immense importance on getting new leads, adding new clients. They go to any lengths to sign up one new customer, but make the rookie mistake of taking their existing clients for granted. A high client-retention index is not a good-to-have, but a must-have factor for a successful MSP business, and … Continue reading Client Retention Best Practices
In our blog, Do you know your buyer persona, we discussed the importance of understanding your prospect’s profile based on their behavior and attributes. (Click here if you want to jog your memory on the topic!) In our blog this week, we discuss what tools you can use to draw up a prospect profile and … Continue reading Put a face to the names on your MSP marketing list with these lead tracking tools
Pitching your IT services to a business that already has an in-house IT team? Watch this video to learn how you can overcome your prospect’s most common objection and help them see value in bringing you on board as an MSP.
Managed Service Providers need more than just a marketing automation platform to truly succeed! As an MSP you are too busy working in your business, handling your client’s IT requirements to work on your business. Most MSPs just don’t have the time for complicated marketing automation tools! Even if they do invest in MSP marketing automation … Continue reading MSP Marketing Success needs more than just an MSP Marketing Software
In order to be able to market and sell your MSP services successfully, you need to know your buyer persona. Identifying buyer persona involves drawing up a profile of your buyers based on multiple factors such as your current client data, the market you operate in, the services you offer, etc. You may have more … Continue reading Do you know your buyer persona?