Why do you need a MSP Content Calendar?

MSP, MSP Advantage program, msp marketing, msp sales, msp content calendar

A well planned, on-schedule content calendar is a great tool to bring consistency to your MSP marketing and sales efforts.

Do you know the one thing that most MSPs don’t have when it comes to their marketing and sales planning? A content calendar. A content calendar is one of the most important tools in marketing, and yet, more than 80% of MSPs don’t have one! So, how do they go about their marketing? Well, some of them purchase content ad-hoc. There are sites that sell MSP marketing and sales content and some MSPs purchase these ready-to-use content packages. Some MSPs hire a part-time or freelance content writer to put together some marketing and sales content for them when needed. But, they find out, with time, that it doesn’t really help. So, what’s really the problem? The real challenge is lack of consistency and planning. You see, for content marketing to really work, the messaging needs to be-

  1. Relevant
  2. Consistent 
  3. Timely

When you engage in ad-hoc content marketing, the results are anything but those. And, your prospects are smart enough to see through that! Your emails are classified as spam and your social media updates are unsubscribed to. You start to lose your audience.  

This is where having a well-thought out content calendar can help.

Plan ahead (at least by a quarter) as to what marketing and sales content you need and when. Your goal should be to have the content for the whole quarter ready BEFORE the quarter starts. Putting a content calendar together tells you what content you need and helps you plan better. For example you know you will need 24 social media posts for the month, 1 whitepaper and 4 new blogs, well before your quarter starts, so you are not scrambling here and there in the last minute to get content. 

Invest in a sales and marketing automation software

So, let’s say you have a content calendar and the content needed to fit into it. Ensuring the content is disseminated on time is still a challenge. This is where a sales and marketing automation software can help. It ensures that all the content you generate is being put to use, at the right time, in the right way–and not only that, it also ensures you are able to measure its effectiveness, so you know what content works and what doesn’t. Plus, the biggest benefit, an MSP marketing and sales enablement software ensures all your marketing keeps happening behind the scenes, like clockwork, irrespective of whether you are in the office or not. This just-set-it-and-forget-it approach is priceless for the busy MSP, as you already have your hands full with your clients and other day-to-day aspects of running your business; more so in times like these, when you or your staff won’t be around to do that manual blog posting or email send.

Designed especially for the busy MSP by Mindmatrix, a company with 23+ years of sales and marketing enablement experience, the MSP Advantage Program offers a unique blend of sales and marketing support, content and technology to help MSPs truly succeed. The MSP Advantage Program lets MSPs like you focus on what you do best: Providing Managed IT Services without worrying about sales and marketing, while still enabling you to attract new business. Please visitwww.mspadvantageprogram.com to learn more!