Reasons why marketing automation doesn’t automagically work

Are you thinking of investing in a marketing automation system to market your business better? For busy MSPs and IT service providers with little time on their hands, marketing automation can be of great help. But, if you think your marketing automation system is ‘automagically’ going to make your sales and marketing take-off, then you are in for disappointment. In this blog post, we tell you why.

  1. Consistency- No matter how good your marketing automation system, for it to yield the results you want, your marketing efforts have to be consistent. Using marketing automation to send an odd email campaign out, or make a social posting once a month won’t really help.
  2. Learning the tool- Your job doesn’t end once you bring the marketing automation system on board. In fact, it just begins. You need to learn to use the tool. Understand what it can do and its limitations. Learn how it can help you make the most of whatever little time you have.
  3. Content and strategy- So, you have the tool and have learned how to use it. You have even set aside some time every week for your marketing activities. But, you may still not be able to get the results if you don’t have the right content and strategies to back your efforts. For any marketing campaign to be successful, there you need a blend of interesting content and effective strategy.

Marketing automation alone doesn’t guarantee success. It is just ONE of the many elements you need for your MSP-IT marketing to be successful. As a MSP-IT service provider, you already have too much going on to spend time devising marketing and sales strategies, learning to use new marketing tools or figuring out new content to keep your customers engaged. What you need is a complete package that brings all the marketing and sales elements together to spell success for you.