MOBILE FRIENDLY: Google Has Spoken

Well, the word is out from Google. As of this past April, the dominant search engine will take into account the mobile friendly nature of websites. While this has been factored into their algorithms in the past, the extent to which it mattered has not been known. mobile friendlyBeginning April 21, 2015, Google will be considering this as an important factor in the determination of search engine rankings. This means that those who have a website that is designed only for laptops and PCs are going to be at a disadvantage in search rankings. If you don’t have a mobile friendly site you need to do so ASAP.


There are two important reasons why you need a mobile friendly site. The first is to improve your rankings. The second reason, and the more important one is that well over 50% of Google searches are done on mobile, which means that users are accessing sites from the search using mobile. If those sites are not friendly to the screen of a mobile device, most likely it will be abandoned. No user will spend time trying to use a site not optimized for the small screen.

What does this mean for you as an MSP? 3 things.

  1. You need to be sure your own site is mobile optimized, or you could lose visitors–something you can’t afford.
  2. If your site isn’t mobile optimized it is a negative marketing statement. It implies you’re not up to date. Not a great way to attract business.
  3. It is a great marketing opportunity for every MSP. Contact your present clients. Discuss these recent developments. Explain how searches are primarily done on mobile, and that they are losing visitors to mobile-friendly competitors and in search rankings. As an MSP you can provide added-value by alerting them to these trends and offering solutions. For prospects, this can be an additional part of your sales pitch that makes you stand out from your competitors. You appear proactive, proposing ways you can improve their revenue stream.
