Don’t let the Coronavirus Outbreak erode your brand!

When Tony Stark said, “I’m sorry. Earth is closed today.”, in Avengers Endgame, little did we imagine it would turn out to be true just two years later. But here we are amid lockdowns and quarantine wondering what should be our next step. In this time of uncertainty, one thing is certain, businesses cannot afford to let this crisis erode their brand. You have invested a lot of time, money and energy into building your business and your brand and you cannot let this virus outbreak erase that.

This is where a good MSP marketing program can help you. Comprehensive MSP marketing programs offer a powerful combination of technology, content and expert guidance to ensure you are able to keep the wheels turning even in this difficult time.

Here’s How You Can Keep Your Brand in Front of Your Prospects With a Good Msp Marketing Program.

Lead Tracking and instant notifications

In spite of this crisis, a lot of businesses are up and running with their staff working remotely. This means there are still people looking for your services. Of course, don’t expect any major decision making from your prospects right now, but all the research will continue, nevertheless. With MSP marketing automation, you will be able to track their activity. You will know who visited your website, who downloaded your whitepaper or opened your email.

Additionally, your marketing automation software will generate alerts to your email or smartphone, so you can keep up in real-time.

Smart lists–automated lead segmentation

With marketing automation tools, your contacts will be automatically segmented into various groups based on their behavior (email opens/whitepaper downloads/link clicks/website visits, etc.) or on their attributes (Eg. Leads from the Pittsburgh area/healthcare industry, etc.,). This allows you to adopt a more targeted, relevant, personalized marketing messaging, making your sales pitch more effective. The best part, you don’t have to worry about any of this. Our system also automatically sends out the right follow-up message instantly.

Keep the wheels turning even at this time

A comprehensive MSP Marketing program comes with tools such as lead nurturing email drips, social media marketing drips, ready-to-go newsletters, and automated blog posting. These will be set for you and automated, so your email campaigns are running, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are active, your blog is updated, and your quarterly newsletters are going out–regardless of your availability.

Plus, your marketing automation platform is most likely cloud-based, meaning it is accessible at any time from anywhere–lockdowns and quarantine notwithstanding.

Like we said, you may not see too many sign- ups at this time of crisis. but all of this activity keeps your brand fresh in the minds of your prospects. so when the market reopens, they remember you were always there!