Category Archives: MSP Marketing Software

Pitching your MSP Business to Service Industry Prospects

Businesses in the service industry are great prospects for your MSP business. However,  to make an impact, you should be aware of the challenges faced by your target segments. You should be able to identify their pain points first, so you can make an impact by talking about how you can resolve their problems. In … Continue reading Pitching your MSP Business to Service Industry Prospects

Client Retention Best Practices

A lot of businesses place immense importance on getting new leads, adding new clients. They go to any lengths to sign up one new customer, but make the rookie mistake of taking their existing clients for granted. A high client-retention index is not a good-to-have, but a must-have factor for a successful MSP business, and … Continue reading Client Retention Best Practices

MSP Marketing Success needs more than just an MSP Marketing Software

Managed Service Providers need more than just a marketing automation platform to truly succeed! As an MSP you are too busy working in your business, handling your client’s IT requirements to work on your business. Most MSPs just don’t have the time for complicated marketing automation tools! Even if they do invest in MSP marketing automation … Continue reading MSP Marketing Success needs more than just an MSP Marketing Software