Best Practices For Viewing User Reporting and how to use that information

Contributed by – Nicole Goodwin

Who is this article useful for?
This article is helpful for any Sales and Marketing Manager that would like insight on other users activity in their company.

Social Media Reports
To view this report you can go to the Report tab > Social > Social Drip Reports. The social media reports section allows you to view all of the social media drips running across the company. If you are the Marketing Manager, it gives your visibility to see which drips are running in each user account. You can also see the activity reports on each drip. This report gives a quick view of total interactions such as likes, comments, and shares.

Playbook Reports
You can view insight on Contact Centric Playbooks by going to Reports > Collateral > Playbook Summary. The playbook reports are useful in understanding how many users are accessing the playbooks. It allows you to see each user across the company and how many active playbooks they have open. From there you can dive deeper into which specific playbooks they have open. If you click on the specific playbook there is a report button. From there you can see into every step of the playbook and which contacts that user has in each step.

Email Reports
On the dashboard, there is a widget called “Active Drip Campaign(s).” This widget allows you to quickly see each user and how many email drip campaigns are running in their account. From there, you can dig deeper into the “Running” column to see which drips are running in those accounts. This will populate a list of the current drips in that person’s account. Each one is a clickable link that will show the reporting on that specific drip campaign.

How To Best Use This Information
Now that you know where you can find this information – what do you do next? This reporting can be used in a variety of ways. For the social media reports, you can gauge interactions and visibility on company and user profiles. A sales manager may want to know how many leads a salesperson has in their funnel. This is where the Playbook Reports come in handy. You can see all of that information and even where each lead is in the process. Email reports are a simple way to check which drips are going out to your lists. You can see who has drips running and best of all how they are performing all from your dashboard. All of this information can be used elsewhere but these quick tips can help you get a bird’s eye view of what is going on throughout your company.

This was a Guest Blog by Nicole Goodwin, Marketing & Sales Enablement Consultant at Mindmatrix. You can check out her LinkedIn Profile for more such articles.