5 Things MSP Marketing and Sales consultants want you to know

MSP, MSP Advantage program, msp sales, msp marketing

Thinking of bringing a MSP marketing and sales consultant on board? Great idea! You are so busy working in your business and attending to your clients that any help you get in the sales and marketing end is welcome. Plus, your core strength is IT, so it totally makes sense to have someone who is trained in sales and marketing to guide you. But, before you get started, here are 5 things that your MSP marketing and sales consultant wants you to know.

1: Do your homework

We know you want your business to grow and we will help you do it. But we don’t have a magic wand to wave and make it grow. In order to be successful, you need to do your homework and complete the action items we give you during our consulting calls. An empty activity graph will show no results.

2: Don’t miss your meetings

You signed up because you wanted to take your marketing and sales to the next level and that takes some work! If you have a situation that impedes you from making regular calls, we can develop a plan that works well for you, but, missing your meetings and calls regularly isn’t going to help.

3: Don’t just string along

We are committed to your success, but if, for some reason, you are not on the same page as us, you need to let us know. You may not agree with our marketing/sales strategies and that’s okay. Just let us know and we can figure out something that works for you. Agreed, we may know marketing better, but you know your clients and your market well, so we respect and welcome your inputs.

4: Tell us when you need help

Let us know about any issues that you are facing. Whether technical or conceptual, our whole team is here to assist you. Just let us know your challenge and we will figure out a way to help you.

5: Long-term commitment

To get positive results in your sales and marketing areas, you need to work on them consistently for a longer duration, at least, an year. Success will soon follow.

If you are too busy…

Though we are here to help, there will be sales/marketing tasks that you have to perform.

Here are a few things that you could do to ensure you stay on track despite your busy schedule.

  • Hire an intern to handle the tedium so you can focus on more important things
  • Pinpoint someone else as a main point of contact for your company so we can chart out your success plan with them
  • Ask us for help and we will gladly walk you through completing action items wherever possible

Though it may seem overwhelming at first, marketing is not rocket science. It is really a simple process and it’s meant to keep your business top of mind with your prospects.

We know that ultimately you want to see something that you’ve put a lot of effort into turn into a big success! We have the same goal for ourselves and just remember we have your back and REALLY want you to succeed!