Websites and Lead Generation: Don’t Forget the Basics

Don’t forget your website isn’t just an information dump about your services. Your website also serves as a tool to generate leads. Here are 3 quick ways to attract leads, get contact information, and get return visits.

seo-896174Prospects looking around for services like yours are looking to learn more about hi-tech topics and managed services. Whitepapers provide that without directly trying to sell. Whitepapers are used to educate your audience and to build trust with them. Offering whitepapers as a free download from your website or landing pages is an excellent way to generate more leads for your business. They should be written to be informational, providing more in-depth knowledge than could be found on your website. They should also be neutral, in that they do not actively or directly try to sell anything.

Another tool that can be combined with offering whitepapers are landing pages. The entire purpose of a landing page is to offer a prospect something of value in return for their contact information. Using landing pages is a great way to capture the email address of potential prospects. Landing pages can be incorporated into your existing website, published to social media sites, and used for pay-per-click ads.

Finally, blogs. Blog can drive initial and return visits to your website. Blogging is a way for businesses to let potential customers know you are relevant in the industry. Using a forum, such as a blog, is a great way to educate your audience and let them know that you can be a trusted leader in your industry. Most importantly, blog posts appear in search engine results. Get found easier on the web by using the blog content provided with the program. As with whitepapers, blogs should not try to overtly sell. They should provide information..