Tag Archives: Cross sell

How to Cross-sell Without Being Pushy

Ever been tempted to buy a “discounted” shampoo-conditioner pack, when in fact, you just went to the store to buy shampoo? Or have that “I-made-a-smart-choice” feeling when the guy at the carwash managed to enroll you in a free premium membership since you are their regular customer? Yep, we’ve all been there. Cross-selling or upselling … Continue reading How to Cross-sell Without Being Pushy

Stop by without asking for Treats: Marketing Tip

Let’s take advantage of Halloween to bring up a marketing idea. Don’t be always asking for something when it comes to your clients. You probably send periodic marketing or sales emails that try to cross sell or up sell. You may send along information related to your services, or to technology as it pertains to … Continue reading Stop by without asking for Treats: Marketing Tip