Stop by without asking for Treats: Marketing Tip

Let’s take advantage of Halloween to bring up a marketing idea. Don’t be always asking for something when it comes to your clients.


You probably send periodic marketing or sales emails that try to cross sell or up sell. You may send along information related to your services, or to technology as it pertains to their market segment. That’s just fine. But consider sending an email once in awhile that doesn’t ask for anything. It just connects to remind them you are there and consider them an important client.

An example would be just a fun email that says “Happy Halloween.” Maybe it can be silly, or fun, or pretend scary, but don’t tie it to business, your products, or anything related. Just be fun. There are other times in the year to do this. For example, if you know when a client’s birthday is, send a card or an email. (A real card sent through the mail shows a lot more thought and effort than an e-card that took 15 seconds to send.)

Anyhow, our point is simple. Just check in once in awhile for a reason that isn’t all about selling and making money. It will be appreciated..