Only YOU can prevent the latest hack

It’s time to step up and defend your clients


Earlier this month reports came out that new hacking damage will come via the latest area of connectivity that we have at work, as well as at home. The “Mirai malware” was released recently. It invaded Internet-linked devices and then used those devices to take down a popular website that discusses cyber crime. This is a new area of cybercrime that everyone needs to be aware of. The Internet of Things is creating new vulnerabilities, and the average layperson is not probably aware of this new area of risk. More and more devices are now connected to the Internet: office coffee machines, thermostats, door locks, security cameras and safety devices. It is estimated that there are now over 23 billion devices connected to the Internet. The problem is that with this connectivity comes a new opportunity for cybercrime.
As a Managed Service provider, this is a good time for you to contact all of your clients and prospects to inform them of this risk. From a marketing perspective, you need to be constantly finding opportunities to provide additional value. How many of your clients have security cameras or safety monitoring devices that are now Internet connected? They are probably unaware of their vulnerability and you can use this issue to demonstrate that your services can provide added value.