As a MSP and a business owner, you will probably come across the term ‘Branding’ a lot. You may be starting a MSP business or growing one, but the one thing that is most vital for the sustainability of any business is branding. This blog introduces you to the concept of branding and provides tips on how you can make your MSP brand stand out.

Your brand is the image you portray of yourself. It is the way others perceive you. This includes prospects, customers and even competitors. As a MSP you need to be very conscious of the way you portray your brand.

Your brand, whether you build it yourself, or let people build an image of your brand themselves, is unavoidable. In the interest of your business and reputation, it is best to build your brand image yourself.

Here are a few items to look into when building your MSP business brand

Consistency: Be consistent while using your business name, logo and color when marketing. The last thing you want to do is confuse people about your brand.

USP: Identify your business’s unique selling point and make the best use of it while marketing.

Message: Have a strong and concise marketing message for your prospects. Be clear on your mission statement.

Exposure: Internet is the place to be found today. So be generous while using the web for a strong online presence. Social media is the magic wand here.

Go viral: There are multiple ways for your brand to reach its target. Use social media and content syndication tools to grow and expand your brand.

Video: Create a video of your bio or business and publish it online.

E-mail: Add a personal touch to your email marketing and reach out to your prospects more often. Engage in lead nurturing campaign.

Search engine optimization: If you’re not to be found on the web, you’re nowhere. Optimize your marketing content for better search engine rankings.

Website: The first thing people want to know is whether you have a website they can refer to. Website builds trust. So make sure you have a business website and expose it online.

Creating a strong brand is not difficult. It’s all about the efforts that go into creating one. So if you have not started, it’s time you did!