Tips for making effective sales calls

As a MSP, your core competency is IT–not selling. But when you own a MSP business, you wear many hats–including that of a marketer and seller. This blog offers some tips for making effective sales calls.

Research prospects
Research is one of the most important aspects of an effective sales call. If you do not know your client, you will not have the right questions to ask. Start by looking at their company website, LinkedIn profiles and a general google search of the industry to gain some insight on what needs your company can fulfill.

Start with positive comments
Always start your call off in a positive way. One way to do this is to assign someone a positive label, like having high intelligence or being a good person. Never start off a call talking about being too busy or bad weather. Research has proven that waiters who started with a positive comment received a 27% higher tip. That being said, start your sales call on the right foot by having a genuine comment.

Set agenda
Articulate a clear agenda at the beginning of the call to set expectations for your client. There is nothing worse than listening to a sales call that does not flow. Stay on track in order to accomplish your goal and feel as though you are in control of the conversation.

Be clear on the value you offer
Be certain to portray the real value of the solution or service you are selling. One of the most important factors to discuss is how you will make/save money, save time, etc. If you have any statistical information to share with them on how this has helped other customers, now would be the time to share. Make it clear that you are not calling to bother them, rather to improve an aspect of their day to day life.

Don’t talk negatively about competitors
Although it may seem like a good idea to prove that you are better than your competitors, it can come off as unprofessional and the client can actually relate those traits back to you. When it comes to discussing the competitor it is best to say “no comment”.

It is scientifically proven that you feel more confident when standing during phone calls. Also, you’ll invigorate not only yourself but the rest of your team. Standing will create natural energy in the workplace. So stand up and walk around during a call to achieve a more enthusiastic and successful call.

Like they say, practice does make perfect! The only way to improve your sales calls is to practice on a regular basis. Try role playing with team members to gain confidence and perfect your sell techniques.

Are great salespeople made, or born? The answer is debatable. But, with these tips, you can definitely make your sales efforts a bit sharper. If you need more help selling, simply because you want to focus on what you do best (IT), then, try reaching out to us to learn more about the MSP Advantage Program.

This was a Guest Blog by Kristen Rost, Marketing & Sales Enablement Consultant at Mindmatrix. You can check out her LinkedIn Profile for more such articles.