Must-haves of a successful MSP-IT Marketing Campaign

If you are a managed service provider or VAR looking for ways to make the most of your marketing efforts, you will find this post helpful. In this post we discuss 4 ways in which you can strengthen your marketing campaigns.

  • 360 degree prospect view: In order for your marketing campaigns to be effective, you need to understand your prospects so you can develop campaigns that appeal to them. You also want to track their response to your campaigns to get a full 360-degree view of your prospect. This is vital to the success of your marketing  campaign.
  • Personalized content: While your marketing campaigns may target multiple, prospects, en make sure that you add a personal touch to your communication. Make it as relevant to your prospect as possible—making them feel like you are appealing to them…just them!
  • Multi-channel marketing: Don’t use just a single medium for all your marketing campaigns. Create a healthy mix of marketing campaigns using multiple marketing media such as social media, PPC ads, email marketing, etc.
  • Stay in touch: Don’t let your marketing campaigns lose momentum. Stay in touch with prospects who display interest in your marketing campaigns through a lead nurturing program.

You might also want to bring a comprehensive marketing automation software onboard. A good Marketing Automation Software program recognizes that MSP marketing success is not the result of a one-time effort, but a critical, continuous process that involves varied measures directed towards increasing consumer/prospect awareness about the brand and its offering.