Why MSPs need social media marketing

tree-200795__180-1Social media marketing refers to building awareness of your firm using sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and your company blog. Social media marketing has specific goals that may differ from the goal of a website or a brochure. Websites function as your digital storefront and are where people go to browse your products and services. Social media, however, should not be used as an overt selling tool. Instead, your presence on these sites should be primarily informational. Post here to provide greater knowledge for the reader on topics related to your goods and service. Instead of promoting your line of internet security tools, talk about what threats exist for small businesses, particularly businesses in your target market. Explain what phishing scams are and what types of passwords are the strongest. Be an information source. This will build your brand as a knowledgeable vendor, and drive traffic to your website, where your products and services are showcased.