6 Tips To Craft An Effective Case Study

Being a service oriented business, you always need to be ready with evidence to showcase your skills.

Case studies play a vital role in increasing a customer’s confidence in your service. Case studies allow you to highlight your success stories using real life examples. These success stories include the entire process of how you were successful in understanding the customer’s pain points and figuring out a relevant solution to it.

This blog discusses you how you can create a show stopping case study.

8 Tips to craft an effective case study
6  Tips to craft an effective case study

Tips to create effective Case Study

  • Identify your prospects / audience

In order to create an effective case study, you need to know for whom you are writing. If you want to attract prospects from the legal sector, then your case study should be about how you helped a legal firm overcome their IT challenges.
Be sure to include a brief overview of the company,  the services you offered, the customer’s specific needs and objectives, and how you turned the impossible task into a possible one by satisfying the client’s needs.

  • Keep it brief and clear

No one really cares to read long documents. What really matters to them is whether you are able to relate to their specific needs and that you have the solutions to their challenges.
Be sure your case study has
–    Good Content
–    Headers
–    Bullets points
The case study should be formatted visually so your readers get an overall idea of the content in a glance. Then it is up to you to ensure your content is compelling enough for your reader to come back  and read the entire thing.

  • Focus on your specific approach

Discuss in detail the approach you took, and the dedication your team had in working to achieve the desired results. Talk about your design and the strategy behind it. You could also mention how you considered different alternatives and narrowed down to one ideal solution.

  • Try using different formats that could make the case study more vibrant

To get the customer’s attention, you could try experimenting with different formats. For example, you could use an interview format which could add value to your prospect engagement process, or an audio or  video presentation.

  • Add testimonials / quotes

Add testimonials / quotes from your clients to lend authenticity to your case study. You should also include quantitative information about the benefit your customers derived from your services. For example, ABC law firm saw a 98% decrease in its downtime after deploying our services.

Ensure the case study you have created is easy to find.  Prospects prefer reading short, specific content. Store your case studies in an organized manner that makes them easily accessible, so you have them when you need them.

In summary, make sure your case study is short, to the point and objective. It should be easy to read and understand; clear in terms of the benefits you offered your client..