E-Mail marketing is an excellent way to advertise your business. More and more companies are turning to email to conduct marketing initiatives as it is the most effective form of online promotion. It helps you to quantify the number of emails opened by your recipients and the number of times your embedded links were clicked. By enabling you to measure the level of your recipient’s interest, email campaigns help you to alter your strategies to boost the response rates.

Here are a few tips that you could follow to ensure your e-mail campaigns elicits the response you are looking for: 

Effective E- Mail Marketing
Effective E- Mail Marketing Tips

1. Create a meaningful list of your target audience. By maintaining your list as a database, you can segment in many ways for targeting, which in turn will improve the results of your email marketing campaigns. You can group the database to isolate the segment of your list most likely to respond to a particular campaign.

2. Understand the pain-points of your recipients. The names and addresses of prospects is merely a list unless you have more information about them. Knowing their needs, wants and interests will be helpful to discover what encourages them to take actions.

3. To avoid being identified as spam, refrain from purchasing random contact lists from unreliable third party sources. Make sure your prospects have agreed to receive emails from you. Don’t use deceptive subject lines and give recipients an option to opt-out of your mailing list.

4. Based on the selected target audience, determine the kind of campaigns to be used: newsletters, press releases, event invitations, holiday or seasonal promotions, new product or service announcements etc.

5. Determine the best time the target audience is most likely to open and read your email. For example, midday delivery is better than mornings or evenings. Determine the right day of the week to send out campaigns. Usually Tuesdays and Wednesdays bring better results as compared to other days. If the target audience is diverse, carry out some testing to determine the right timing.

6.  Analyze the results of the e-mail campaign reports and compare them to the previous email campaigns results. This will help you to determine whether the goals of current campaign were achieved. Based on the results, outline strategy for new campaign..