Web marketing helps you create a relationship. And one of the best ways to build relationships is through blogging. Blogs are a web-based log of entries about a particular subject or topic. Though blogs mainly include text, it can also include videos, pictures and audio.

Here are 12 quick tips to help you blog better… blog

1.Undertake intense research to understand what your audience wants to read
2.Zero in on a theme to base your blog on
3.Write interesting, authentic and valuable content
4.Integrate your blog in to your website
5.Design and personalize your blog to give it a professional look
6.Update your blog everyday with fresh content
7.Announce your blog launch through a press release
8.Invite other bloggers to guest write a blog
9.Include pictures, videos and audio wherever possible to buildreadership
10.Include links to your website or other relevant sites
11.Encourage people to leave a comment or share your post
12.Share your blog posts on other social networking sites.