You got the leads you wanted…what next?

A post by our guest author, Eric Weber– Industry leading MSP Marketing & Sales Enablement Expert

I was on the road the last 2 weeks to source and get leads. I went to an ASCII Success Summit and set up a booth. The owner and myself also went to the HTG peer groups meeting and did a presentation to a group of 8 MSPs. We also had a cloud company we partner with doing a roadshow in which they provided us with a list of 18 leads of which 3 were very interested. 

So, by the end of the 2 weeks, I had my leads. What next? I’m sharing a step-by-step breakdown of what I did with those leads. Hoping it will help you develop a set of best practices to suit your sales process :

  1. I started off by sending LinkedIn invites to all those leads
  2. I then put the hottest ones–the ones that specifically asked me or indicated to follow up, into my 7-touch playbook to get demo’s/calls set up
  3. The others I sent to my concierge team and told them how I wanted to them entered and segmented into my contact database
  4. Once in, I added them to the drip campaign to nurture

As a MSP business owner, I’m assuming you are already engaging in some marketing or lead gen activities. Perhaps you do PPC, AdWords, FB ads, or retargeting, or email campaigns, social posts or print ads. Whatever it is, they may be getting you some leads. But, any kind of marketing activity you engage in also produces data. And that data will need a home and a process to be worked upon. Unless you have a 100% close rate and do it on the 1st call every time–which never happens. Adding your leads to your playbook, nurturing drip, and social media campaigns provides you with a systematic outreach process and keeps you organized.

I now receive a daily report that shows me who is engaging and how, with the material I send them from my playbooks. Now, that is a sales process and foundation with consistent awareness included.

To learn more about how you can make the most about the leads you generate and to get a step-by-step plan for lead follow-ups, download our whitepaper, A MSP’s guide to quality lead generation, Part-II.